Sunday, September 7, 2008

update on my beautiful little girl

Wow! It is tempting in print to make everything sound rosey, wonderful with adoption. Nobody wants to tell you the hard times and trials all parents have with new children into the family. I could have filled a book with the hard times, work and patience it took to help Mia turn the corner and trust us. But honestly, I have only praise for June's journey to us so far. Not that it has to do with us, but she was prepared in her orphange for us, was taken very good care of and kept in a nurturing environment until we could come and get her. Her journey into our family and into our souls has been so easy. She now loves her Daddy and no longer fears him. She will go to him without hesitation. However, if I am around, she still prefers me. She puts her head on my shoulders when I pick her up, and pats me on the back. She leans over often to kiss me. She sleeps like a dream, often 14 hours nonstop a night with a nap in the afternoon. Even though she has an open palate, she eats most everything I put in front of her. She is full of life and laughter. I watch her run around the living room and its not long before she rolls her head back and laughs out loud. Mainly, she laughs because as I look into her eyes, I can see that she is happy to her soul. No sadness there, no eyes that remind me that she has lived a hard past, no behaviors that tell me she is trying to trust after a painful start. She simply is a lovely, loving, kind, happy little girl. I feel that we won the parent lottery. She is delicate, and mine. Her surgery is in Dallas 9/16 and the doctors will be closing her palate, revising her lip and fixing her nose all in the same surgery. Please think of her this day as she struggles to understand why the momma she trusts is letting this happen. She will be wearing arm restraints for one month and on liquids for one month. My heart breaks for her during this time. Funny how this surgery sounded so matter of fact as we signed up for this special need and for her. But now that she is here and mine, the surgery somewhat overwhelms my heart for her. I know I am a doctor, but really , in this case, I am just a momma. One who remembers my last visit to a pedi hospital with horror, and dont look forward to this next one. But, I know that the red thread that prepared us for June and her for us continues, and takes us to this next step. Please look at and enjoy the next few pics. She is magnificent. And Mine.