Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Precious Legacy

I have been in a major funk for the last 2 weeks. For you see, the govt agency in China that approves a referral has now sent a list of questions to us. They want more info on Mia's death, the accident, and things about her funeral, burial etc. I so was afraid of this, but since they knew of her death when they gave us approval(PA) in Jan., I expected questions then, not now. We are on day 75 of our wait to LOA, and many people get this by now. So we had to answer these questions and rehash it all again. And send info on her funeral, burial and scholarship fund we award in her name. So you can imagine how different it is to not only wait, but to wait anxiously.
So this is where my heart and soul have been for the last 2 weeks. In a funk. But I must tell you my next story....
I deliver babies at 2 hospitals in Ft Worth, TX. One of the hospitals just built the most beautiful women's hospital for labor and delivery and female surgery and care. Truly one of the nicest facilities probably in the country. Friday night was to be the formal tour followed by dinner in downtown Ft Worth at a very nice club. This was for all the board of directors and physicians. I have been excited about my patients having this choice now for their healthcare. But because of the "funk" I wasnt going to the tour and party. But my best friend and call partner twisted my arm and told me I had to go for "political reasons". Huh. So I donned my fancy clothes and went to the tour and dinner. As we valet parked at the hospital entrance, I walked into the most beautiful lobby you would ever see in a hospital. There are fountains, marble and gorgeous commissioned art. Many original pieces are statues for women and dresses. So lovely. As the director walked me around, she took me by 3 gorgeous hand painted pictures . The first is of a little girl, the second is of a toddler boy, the third is of a lovely chinese girl with a big bow in her hair. She told me they paid 20,000 each for the paintings. I looked at the picture of the chinese girl and caught my breath. It looked so much like Mia I had to look away. I commented on how I loved them, and we walked on. After the remainder of the tour, my husband pulled me aside and told me that picture sure looks like Mia. I made some comment of how I was glad they had diversity in the photos and we went to dinner. There we all sat down and the Director spoke. She made mention that the project was like being pregnant 3 years and asked since I delivered her baby 15 years ago, was it possible to be pregnant that long. I laughted and remembered how hard her pregnancy had been. She had had many problems that pregnancy, required surgery during the pregnancy and hospital care. I was so grateful that her son is 15 and has been the light of her life. As the dinner ended, she walked to my table and kneeled beside me. She told me that she will never forget me holding her hand and promising her I would do everything I could to help her with this baby she was carrying. She told me she will never forget the calm she got with me. And because of this she was eternally grateful. She told me that when Mia died, she grieved with me. And she will never forget the tribute in her funeral and the story of her life. So when they commissioned the paintings, she told the artist to paint Mia in one of them. That picture is Mia. My Mia. There for all the women and children who walk thru those doors to see. When I pass away, She will still be up there. I am eternally grateful for people like this who know just when I need to feel loved. How can you be in a funk when people love you like this? I just wish China knew that she was so loved and still loved. They would stop with the questions and approve us AGAIN for June Lee. Because someday I want my husband to bring her to the hospital to visit me on call, and have her walk by that picture and say "That is my big sister Mia".
Pray for us and our new child. Pray for CCAA to send quick LOA. Pray for my anxiousness. Pray for Riley because he so wants a little sister and if it does not go thru, he will be devestated. And he has been through enough.


Lou Anne said...

Cindy, I'm praying for you and your family. God has great plans for you. You show others what strength and courage is about each and everyday.
Lou Anne
mom to Grace age 6 Jiangsu, China

Tony said...

Cindy, I am very grateful for a Director like that woman who loved you and your family so much that she wanted to commission such a loving tribute to Mia's memory!

I am waiting "anxiously" with you and pray everyday for this process to get going already~


Lily's Pad said...

I came upon your site and am inspired by your stregnth! I will pray with your family that you are able to travel soon to get your precious daughter in China.

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

What a beautiful tribute to your precious daughter, Mia. I am also waiting for CCAA to send our approval and I know how anxious I am so I can't imagine what it must be like for you to have to endure the questions and sadness as you anxiously wait and hope you will still be able to adopt your newest little one!

Your family is in our prayers!


Tammy M.
Prince Edward Island, Canada

ellieshine said...


I'm a CHI mom and I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you. For each item you asked prayer for I am joining with you to ask our Father who loves us so much to please answer these prayers. Big Hugs to you, Ellie

The Ferrill's said...

I am a member of the limb difference yahoo group and saw your website listed. Please know that I am praying in agreement with you. Your story is inspirational and a testimony to God's grace and power. To HIM be the glory!

Wendy said...

What a beautiful tribute to Mia and to the love you all have for her (and the love and respect the director has for you, as well). I hope it all helps keep you strong and moving ahead with your journey to June Lee. It must be very difficult to deal with the CCAA questions, etc. and I hope that you are approved (again!) and receive an LOA very, very soon.


Live2Play said...

Cindy, I am holding my breath with you. Mia's portrait story allowed me to take in some fresh air, what an honor to be loved so much. But I do believe Mia know how much she was loved, a child with that much confidence knows they are loved by many. I really admire your strength, the world is lucky to have you in it!