Friday, May 30, 2008

The Mia Rose Waters Scholarship

Tonight we presented the 2nd Mia Rose Waters scholarship. We were unable to emotionally do it last year since it was given only one month after her death. They asked us to present it at Trinity Christian Academy graduation. This is the school that Riley has attended since preK and Mia was almost thru her PreK year. They have been fabulous to us. So this year, we considered if we felt up to doing the presentation, and Curtis did not feel he could, but I felt I could so I did the honors. It would have been easier to let Dr. Barber do it this year as last, but I feel she is our daughter and it is our responsibility to ensure her life is honored. Below is what i penned just an hour or so before the ceremony:
As many of you know, our sweet little girl Mia was in preK here last year and passed away a little over a year ago. We had adopted her from China when she was 13 months old. We had prayed for years for a daughter, and God rewarded our hearts desire. She was a fabulous child, one any parent would have been proud to raise. After she passed away, we wanted to honor her memory with a scholarship award fund. We asked that in liu of flowers, that consideration be made to donate to her fund. What we saw was an overwhelming outpouring of love, both in flowers and donations.
We believe in the saying"it takes a village to raise a child". We were not alone in her life. Our church and this school were part of her village. No words can express how kind everyone was and still is to us and our son Riley. So with this in mind, we wish to be part of another Trinity Christian girl's life.We have asked the leadership here at the school to help us choose a young lady who exemplifies what we prayed our daughter would be. We looked for a scholar, but also a christian giver. This is someone who knows that true happiness lies in a life of service to others. We want to be you cheerleaders from the sideline. We will pray for you and your family and your future. Life is a precious thing, and to see a young lady go into this world representing our school and our family well is a joy.
The 2008 recipient of the Mia Rose Quining Waters Memorial Scholarship of 1500.00 is
After the program, as we hastily tried to leave and get to the car, we were stopped by several people to tell us how strong we were, how proud they were of us, blah, blah. But for those of you who have yet to go thru unimaginable grief, let me tell you the rest of the story. This 'BRAVE" family keeps the front up well. We smile and thank you and hold our head up high. We talk loud into the microphone to make sure the voice doesnt shake or waver from the emotion of it all.
We go home, take a shower, turn the light off and cry. For you see, no parent should talk about a memorial scholarship in their 4 year olds name. I wish this girl well, and really mean it. But I really just want mine back. I go to sleep tonight wishing Mia was next to me in bed sleeping as she did each night since we got her. Not just sleeping, but going to sleep holding my hand. We arent brave or strong, we are just hurt people trying to put one foot in front of the other because we have no other choice. I grew up with this profound sense of fairness. If it wasnt fair, we were all obligated to try to fix it. Poverty wasnt fair, so volunteerism should be done. Racial inequality isnt fair, and should never be tolerated. Sex discrimination isnt fair and I worked very hard to overcome this in my training and my life. But I have a new perspective now. Some things arent fair and cant be overcome. Loosing her is one of them. I am still trying to accept that. But it isnt fair.


Holly said...

Cindy - You are my hero. You are real. In this moment -- this VERY moment -- in all the ways that your life is unfolding and at every single turn -- you are what I strive to be. Thank you for being such a beautiful life guide to me. Lots of love from Colorado, Holly - your CHIWC friend and mom to 3 from Jiangxi

P&M said...

Oh Cindy, I just hate that the unfairness in life has hit your family in such a painful way. You are absolutely right, there should not be a memorial scholarship in the name of your precious four year old. I love the example that you are of the fact that faith, hope, strength and healing can be so evident even while there is pain. Thanks for being so real.


Blessed Family said...

Hi Cindy, I so understand your pain. Losing a child hurts more than imaginable. I know it first hand, dreams are lost and what could have been. I know how it feels to push forward and try to put on that brave face to do something good for the memory of your child. I am sure she is looking down with pride that her mommy is the best. Hugs to you, Heidi