When you get delayed forever during the adoption process, it does scary things to your bank acct. We decided to work on June's room and get things done early while we waited. Unfortunately, I just kept finding things I couldnt live without. My sweet husband painted the room, installed the chandelier, and painted the tree on the wall. I got inspiration from pottery barn, and local baby shops. In case you cant tell, the walls are lipstick pink and just what every little girl should have waiting for her when she comes into a new family. We had fun doing the room, but know she probably wont sleep in it for years. Oh well, it really was for me anyway:)
Hope you enjoy the view into our home..
This is an absolutely beautiful room. I love the colors!! I found your blog on the CHI yahoo group. I adopted my daughter Angel in May 2007. I can't believe we have been over a year. She is also cleft affected. Blessings on your journey to June.
Love it! Pottery Barn would be proud!!! I can't wait to see her beautiful little face smack dab in the middle of that pretty bed. Thanks for giving us a peek!
Jill S from CHI
What a perfect room for a perfect girl. I can't believe you are almost out of here!! Getting June in June... perfect.
Oh wow! What a room! Isn't it great to "nest" before bringing the babes home?!?! BTDT! I will definitely be following your journey! I can't wait for your Gotcha day!
Kristen (a CHI momma)
Oh Cindy it is so beautiful!!!! I love the chandelier!!! It is such a tribute to both your daughters as it is so clear how much love there is in the Water's home.
It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love the kitchen! She'll have such fun playing in her room, even if she doesn't sleep in it! Retail therapy is cheaper than actual therapy, at least that's what I told Phil while we were waiting for Zach!!
What a wonderful room for a very lucky girl! You and Curtis will give June a life she never could have imagined! I can't wait for updates and am so happy you are leaving to get her this week. What a long journey it has been.
I love her room! It is perfect. She will love her new room and her new family. I can't wait to follow your journey. May God Bless your trip.
Michele H
CHI mom and mom to 4 kids, 2 from china!
The room is gorgeous. June doesn't know it yet but she has got a wonderful mom and dad. I know you have been praying for this moment and so very soon it will finally come to pass. I can't wait to read your posts when you are finally in China with little June. Please know that your family is praying for ya'll. Love ya
Thank you for sharing your pictures of June Lee's room. June Lee is very blessed to have such a devoted family. Seeing the pictures just reminds me that the Lord too is preparing a place for us when we go to live with Him.
June's room is just lovely! What a princess she will be!
We can't wait to see photos of you holding your sweet June Lee in those same rooms where we met our Guangxi girls in December, 2005 and July, 2007.
I know you just can't get there fast enough! :)
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